Clothing ontology: watch a movie

  • Kirsanova L.I.

    L. I. Kirsanova Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia

  • O. A. Korotina Far Eastern Federal University Vladivostok. Russia


The modern culture is charmed by sui generis forms which cause an instant effect of understanding- a visual product. Cinema is one of the most important of these. There is a hidden inner space of a character whose mental experiences remain unclear since we’re attracted by the
visual presentation.
Our  research  topic  concerns  the  movie  “Phantom  Thread”  written  and  directed  by  Paul  T. Anderson that tells an archetypal story of Cinderella and the Prince in a new way laced with the story of Pygmalion where Alma’s dress, as a different item of clothing rather than Cinderella’s shoe becomes a symbol of the status change. Speaking of clothing ontology we attribute light, airy materials to the Voice, Life, Movement, Freedom whereas thick, dark tones of clothes are referred to Oblivion, Cold and Death. The heroine in sight of the Master undergoes certain transformations turning from the object of admiration  at  the  beginning  of  loving  relationship  to  the  object  of  consumption,  display  of wealth and status at the stage of marriage.
Keywords: cinema production, clothing system, identification, love relationship, alienation of